Saturday 3 September 2011

Thing 18: Reflection Week

I think that I can confidently say that my skills have improved since embarking on the 23 Things challenge. I'm glad I've tackled these with an end goal in mind, because I think trying to look at the emerging technologies and trends without the direction and support that this program offers would have been overwhelming. Being compelled as part of my 23 Things schedule to experiment with and familiarise myself with these tools has been a great opportunity and I can see myself continuing on with some of them.

This program has covered everything that I wanted to know; I was really interested in LibraryThing so I'm really glad that it was one of the tools. I think if I were to suggest any tools to family or friends it would be LibraryThing since most of them are avid readers and could probably get a lot from it. I usually feel a little behind when it comes to the latest trends because I think sometimes the first challenge is in hearing about them. Since so many trends are through word of mouth, I feel that there are probably some other great tools out there that I just haven't heard of. This program has inspired me to more actively look for new tools.

What would I do differently? Good question. I think I will put myself on a schedule so that I don't keep finding myself behind. Otherwise I feel like I spend time on each 'Thing' and that I put the necessary thought and effort into learning and understanding it.

1 comment:

  1. Good post- and I like the pic!
    I am heartened that doing the program has opened your eyes to looking at different tools and technologies.
    You ahve probably read the info on early adopteres, late adopters etc. You don't have to be the first one with a new *thing* - just an open mind to try some of these great (and not so great) tools.
    Well done!
