Wednesday 7 November 2012

Latest news and things I have been reading

I'm loving these secret bookcases, partially because if money were no object I would totally have one in my home. The Narnia inspired one is my favourite, but I love the idea and practicality of hiding a messy laundry.

I really love this opinion piece by Annabel Crabb to the AEC.  It's so true that we take for granted how well run our electoral system is.

In other news, I recently got engaged♥ It's taken me a month just to get used to wearing the ring (and I still gaze at it sometimes). I'm super excited though, I get to marry my best friend in front of the people closest to us.

Planning a wedding is still quite a daunting prospect. Unlike most young girls I never thought much about my wedding as a child, or had it all planned out on my head. I have stocked up on wedding planning books thanks to my local public library and I'm beginning to feel a little more like I know what I'm doing.

Whilst at the library looking for wedding books, David found me this book on the shelf:
I've only read part way through but I have to say it is pretty good. I totally chose it originally though for it's awesome cover.

1 comment:

  1. Those secret book cases don't look they would cost much, at least not much more than a regular bookcase assuming a handy-man can adapt it to fit on a door hinge or slide railing. I'll totally build you one once we have a house of our own (one we're allowed to drill and hammer) if there's a suitable spot for it.

    BTW thanks for saying yes ♥ I love you!
