Monday 19 November 2012

From Little Things Grow Big Things

I've always liked gardening but renting has been really restrictive for me. I don't want to plant anything I intend on keeping in the ground, so I'm growing a small garden in pots.

I have to reign myself in so that I don't have too many pots. This is hard because I'm attracted to so many different plants and vegetables and it is easy to think 'just one more plant can't hurt'. Knowing that we will be buying a house I really don't want to deal with heavy pots. Moving is hard enough without moving a garden too.

I couldn't resist growing strawberries though. Strawberries are my second favourite fruit (after cherries) and they are relatively easy to grow. Like most plants all they want is a little water and some sun, and they give so much back.

This has been an experiment for me though, because I don't know much about growing strawberries at all (just that they taste delicious). So you can imagine my delight when I got to pick my very first strawberry. They look a little odd (or at least not like the immaculate ones in the shops) but they taste 10 times better.

There are lots more blossoming and about to ripen

My gardening bargain though, was my pomegranate tree. It was in the 'sick bay' of my local hardware store. My grandmother has always taught me that most of the plants that end up in the 'sick bay' are inadequately watered by the stores and just need some sun and a good watering and they'll recover. So since it was significantly reduced in price I took it home, gave it some TLC and here it is today:

I wish I had a before photo. It was once the saddest, scrawniest little tree imaginable.

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