Monday 15 August 2011

Thing 15: Slideshare and Prezi

Slideshare seems like an easy way to share your slides, and I can see why a lot of libraries already use it. It definitely looks more interesting than the traditional Powerpoint presentation. I seem to prefer the Prezi layout though. This one was my favourite Slideshare:

My first experience with Prezi was at a library conference almost two years ago, listening to UTS library give a really inspiring presentation. Part of the reason their presentation stood out so much was that unlike very other library who used Powerpoint, UTS used Prezi. They embedded some YouTube videos into it, and they made Powerpoint look outdated. Since then I've always really like Prezi, theres so much scope for imagination with it and its a great way to make a presentation different.

I've embedded a Prezi presentation that I think is relevant to 23 Things.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for embedding both a Slideshare and a Prezi in your blog. I have seen Kathryn's presentation ebfore but not the Prezi above.
