Thursday 16 June 2011

23 Things and Lifelong Learning

The 7 Habits of Lifelong Learners include:

  1. Begin With the End in Mind
  2. Accept Resonsibility For Your Own Learning
  3. View Problems as Challenges
  4. Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent Effective Learner
  5. Create Your Own Learning Toolbox
  6. Use Technology to Your Own Advantage
  7. Teach/Mentor Others

      7.5 Play (Have Fun While Learning)

Which habit of lifelong learners is easiest and which is hardest for you?
Hardest: For me this would be seeing problems as challenges. Initially I see a problem as a challenge but then as I begin something and discover it’s more of a challenge than I expected, it can be discouraging.

Using technology to my advantage. I think I tend to seek out technology if I think something should be out there to make it easier.

Your goals for the 23 Things ...
To expand my knowledge of technology and web 2.0 tools, for both my own personal learning and to see how these tools can be applied in libraries. I aim to challenge myself by learning new tools, and by revising tools that I have used in the past.

What you need in your learning toolkit to achieve these goals ...
Time, technology, perseverance and commitment 

1 comment:

  1. Great post.
    Time is a factor is successfully completing the program - you need to work out what works for you- a certain time a week or ??
    The program really aims to let you explore and play with a range of tools and technologies- hopefully you'll like some of them and want to explore further....
