National Library of Congress- Photographer maveric2003
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I'm thankful that even my worst day at work is never anywhere near as extreme as this library discovering bedbugs in a DVD in the return chute *shudders at the thought*. The only thing I ever had to keep an eye out for whilst working at the public libraries was discarded needles (apparently this did happen for time to time but fortunately never while I worked there) and that would have been bad enough but bedbugs would have to be one of the worst things to find. The bugs are now gone thanks a vigilant pest control inspection.
Pima County, AZ, Public Library has just hired the first dedicated library nurse in the USA. I think this is amazing, and often needed. Libraries attract an amazing diversity of people, including financially struggling and mentally ill patrons. It's a great community incentive to have a dedicated person to help these people most at risk. You can read the full article here.